
This page is a personal development blog.

The articles mostly deal with Python, QGIS, and other geospatial development related topics.

I either author or help maintain the following code:


The GarminCustomMap plugin exports the current map canvas to a .kmz file, compatible with Garmin’s Custom Maps format for handheld GPS units.

Code is hosted on GitHub


A GIS workflow and set of tools to facilitate Automated Imagery Classification (AIC) and analysis of surface features over time.

AICtools is deprecated, see the page for more detail.

Trained classification of satellite imagery is a fast and relatively simple way to characterize surface features and compare changes in these features over time. The availability and continuity of both public and commercial data sets makes AIC a rich source of information relevant in numerous fields. Many open source and commercial tools for processing digital imagery have been developed, however, the workflows involved can be time consuming and labour-intensive.

The goal of AICtools is to take some of the work out of automation and bulk processing of large data sets, including:

  • Metadata processing/filtering
  • Archive extraction and file manipulation
  • Pre-processing
    • Raster band compositing
    • Mosaicking
    • Clipping
    • Colour matching
  • Classification and summarizing of raster trends

Code is hosted on SourceForge